Water for Humans Receives 501(c)3 Status

The IRS approved Water for Human’s application for 501(c)3 status. All contributions directly to Water for Humans are now tax deductable. We were classified as a Public Charity as of May 14, 2011, the date we submitted our application. We will immediately take steps to remove ourselves from the fiscal sponsorship of A W.I.S.H. (A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity).

We would be amiss without thanking the Seattle University School of Law for all their help in filling in the application accurately and thoroughly which put us on the IRS fast track for approval. In early January, Judy Andrews, a practicing attorney and professor at Seattle University, saw our need as an opportunity for two of her third year law students who were talking a course about nonprofit corporations. The two students, Misha Sandusky and Joseph Helt, did the bulk of the work, making sure that we had our application and all supporting documentation completed before they finished their course in May. Judy has been available for assistance since their graduation. A big thanks from Water for Humans to all three of them for their help in obtaining this milestone for us.