Our new team collaboration platform ONLYOFFICE

Because all our staff and volunteers work remotely we rely on team collaboration software.  Our current provider Huddle (which we like) has dramatically raised their prices way out of our reach. They gave us only a few weeks to come up with a solution.

This is not the first time we have had to change platforms.  Each time it is a HUGE time sink researching platforms, trying them out, then migrating all our data and finally learning a new system.

We specifically need a way to ensure when we are working on a document or powerpoint the copy stored in the cloud is the current version and that we don’t end up with more the one person editing the same file at the same time, then saving it back to the cloud without version control, or knowing which file is the “current one”.  Huddle has the functionality to lock any given file while it is being edited.

Very few platforms offer this kind of document control.

We found ONLYOFFICE  https://www.onlyoffice.com

This platform is even BETTER than Huddle because it allows us to edit any given document real-time (several people can work on the same document, while it tracks the changes and by whom).  It also has all the task and project functionality we need.

The BEST PART is they DONATE the service to non-profits 🙂 

Check out it is a great value and may solve some for business needs.