Posts by Greg Hitchcock

Help in understanding your city’s water quality

Help in understanding your city’s water quality

You may have recieved a reprot from your local city water department about the quality of your water service. Below...

UN Declares Access to Clean Water a Human Right

UN Declares Access to Clean Water a Human Right

Water for Humans is working with key stakeholders and government leaders in Mexico to bring sustainable clean-water solutions to under-served...

Water Crisis Threatens Worldwide Economic & Social Development

Water Crisis Threatens Worldwide Economic & Social Development

Water for Humans works closely with local NGOs, community leaders, and government officials in a collaborative manner to help ensure...

Global Water Footprint Shows U.S. is Water Hog

Global Water Footprint Shows U.S. is Water Hog

This image above shows just how much we all rely on safe, clean drinking water to keep our industries humming...

The Human Cost of Overlooking Water and Sanitation: Interview with Kate Norgrove, WaterAid

The Human Cost of Overlooking Water and Sanitation: Interview with Kate Norgrove, WaterAid

The human toll of dirty water and lack of access to safe drinking water for more than 1.2 billion people,...