Posts by Greg Hitchcock

Oaxaca seeks declaration of “GM-free territory”

Oaxaca seeks declaration of “GM-free territory”

Members of the Monitoring Committee of the First State in Defense of Native Corn, reported that the “Corn for everyone...

PLU Talk “Suffering from water in Oaxaca”

PLU Talk “Suffering from water in Oaxaca”

From the talk Rick gave at PLU late last month. “We all need water, said Rick McKenney, executive director of...

The Thirsty planet  PLU

The Thirsty planet PLU

Please join me Thursday evening and Friday for a conference at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma WA. Maud Barlow is...

Meeting with the Oaxaca Finance Minister

Meeting with the Oaxaca Finance Minister

Juan Jose (the director of INSO) met with the Finance Minister of Oaxaca on Monday night to discuss our proposal...

SAVE THE DATE Feb 9th!!!

SAVE THE DATE Feb 9th!!!

SAVE DATE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 9th 7-9PM Celebrate The gift of safe water February 9th7:00-9:00 pmSeattle University Student center Live music,...